I'm always searching for identifiable talents in others. Genuine praise for another person is a powerful motivator, in any circumstance. So, I guess it stands to reason, that I would be on the lookout for personal useful talents as well. After all, who does not want to feel as if they possess a talent or two?
For a number of years, (most of my marriage to my SO) I have enjoyed a quirky talent that enables me to pick up items with the toes of my feet. This drives my SO nuts, particularly when, in warm-weather months, we will be driving along and I will manipulate the buttons, levers and dials on the car's dashboard with the toes of my feet. This seems natural to me, especially when I am just sitting in the car's seat, being driven down the boring interstate highway like "Miss Daisy". Whenever possible, if a piece of paper or some other smallish item has fallen to the floor, I will retrieve it using either my toes or both of my feet. (My theory here is whatever keeps me out of trouble with the rest of the world and doesn't hurt anyone else is just fine.)
Today I had a visit with my favorite bone-cruncher.....otherwise known as my chiropractor. (Whatever you may think about chiropractic medicine does not bother me. It works well for me.....that is all I know.) This chiropractor works on my feet a lot.......more than I wish he did because the manipulations are never comfortable. He has, however, done some amazing things for my body so I play along and try to adopt whatever suggestions he makes for me to improve my health. Today he announced that my ligaments had improved enough to add one more exercise to my daily regimen: Walking about, barefoot, on my tiptoes, for five minutes a day. He has been after me, for months, to spend more barefoot time, which I have, and I can now go barefoot on hardwood floors, for more than an hour, whereas before, my feet would hurt after five minutes of bare-time. Thusly, I do not question.....much.
I tell you this so that if you see me on my tiptoes, anywhere other than the grocery store where most things I want are out of my shortish-reach, you will understand why.
I'm working on my talent!
Ancora imparo