Have you ever given any thought to what your Xanadu would look like? Where it would be? Who would live in it?
I know perfection in life is not possible but it is fun to think about what the perfect place would be like. This fall weather seems perfect.....and it is - to look at - but in my Xanadu, there would be no leaf raking. I love the green, green grass of spring. It is lovely to look at......but there would be no lawn mowing in my Xanadu. There would also be no weeds in my Xanadu and there would be no annoying insects, crawling or flying. There certainly would be no bed bugs, either, in my Xanadu. Did I mention that the outside temperature would be maintained at a sunny, dry seventy degrees? Rain would be acceptable, but only at night, just like my lawn's automatic sprinkling system.
There would be my seven favorite people in my Xanadu, good friends, and I would have to bring back my beloved dog, Max. I'm not sure about Frances, the Grouchy Cat. She might have to be there simply because no other place would accept her. Frances' grumpiness is so legendary that TLV even 'wrote' a story about Frances, the Grouch and he made a paper figure of her, complete with a smile-free face. There would be the perfect coffee house, where friends could get a good cup-a-joe and enjoy even better conversation. There would be two or more choirs for me to direct and, of course, there would be a band that needed a director. The world's greatest piano accompanist would live nearby, as well. I would have the perfect place to sleep at night......no noise, no light, with just the right sleeping temperature. There would be a daily newspaper delivery and Das Boot could be docked at my back door, ready to step aboard and be able to hear those twin diesels fire up. In my Xanadu, I would have learned how to dock Das Boot. I would be forty years of age, perennially, and I would be a size six, once again. No joints would 'speak' to me and there would be no silver streaks in my hair.
A pipe dream, you say? I'm certain I dreamed about my Xanadu last night.....and it felt so real. Then I swept out the garage this afternoon and, afterward, heard all of the political ads on television. The euphoria left in one fell swoop. More like my reference, two days ago, to Cinderella's carriage turning back into a pumpkin and me searching for my glass slippers.
I just ordered new slippers online. Does that count?
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