I have a dearth of artistic talent. I really would like to be able to draw but the best I can seem to do is fashion stick people and animals. Other objects look almost as skeleton-like as my stick people. I would love to be able to design a caricature of a shark - one that is sportin' a 'tude', as they say, but I hold out little hope for anything other than a stick shark.
Then again, what is wrong with a stick shark? The shark's name will be Sherman, The Shark and he will be elemental in giving life-lessons to children. At least, that is my present plan for Sherman. Sherman will need to possess personality-plus and have a child-engaging persona. His facial countenance will, by design, have to be one that changes by the page. Impish one moment and thoughtful and reflective on the next page. Sherman will have to be part teacher, mentor, clown, friend, child-psychologist, and child of God.
Am I asking too much of Sherman? Only time and pages will tell. Right now, Sherman is just an idea, a glint in my eye, an alter-ego for Patty, The Clown, a pulpit from which to foster growth for children's imaginations. I think there will be a little (or large) part of me in Sherman. Sherman will bring out the child in me, but, most of all, Sherman will love children......especially the Three Musketeers.
I think I'm ready to be the "Shermanator"!
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