Sometimes life presents a real-time comic strip moment. You know, the Dagwood and Blondie sequence where she would squeal over a mouse making its appearance. She screams for Dagwood and he comes a-running to save her.
I just had my own.
I went outside to sweep the mulch fragments from the walkway and driveway. Only two months late, our association finally got mulch around all of the units. At least now the weeds should not feel quite so in control. After sweeping, I thought I saw a paper flyer in the mailbox. These flyers that get distributed are such a nuisance because the wind whips them out and they end up all over the neighborhood. Off to the mailbox went I, only to spy several wasps gathered in a corner of our mailbox. Of course, feeling mighty and strong with my broom, I whacked at them and about ten more came flying at me. I swung my broom around, every which way, while at the same time, running for the cover of the garage. I promptly put the garage door down and stepped inside the condo.
Did I mention that while I was wildly swinging my broom and running, the local fire department had a breakdown right in front of our condo and backup vehicles had come along to wait for the fire-truck repair vehicle? There were men sitting in a pickup less than twenty feet behind me when I went to the mailbox.
Back to the Dagwood-and-Blondie-type story.......
As soon as I got inside, I hurried downstairs and asked my brave and heroic SO where the wasp spray was. He asked why. I told him and began looking for the spray. He said, "Don't bother. I'll take care of them.", which was all I needed to hear from my hero. He grabbed the spray and headed outside, with me close behind him.....for moral support. After he had sprayed more twelve of them and routed them out of the mailbox/newspaper port, the firefighter that had been behind me stepped over to us and said he'd seen my escapade. He had just wondered if he needed to call an ambulance. -:) Very funny.
My Dagwood saved his Blondie.
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