My former pastor used the phrase "A comma, not a period" in his final sermon describing life's transitions, concluding life-chapters and beginning new ones. That phrase has stayed with me these past few weeks since he delivered the message in his closing chapter with our congregation. Now our new pastors are 'on board' and our former pastor is in place with his new flock. So many transitions happening at once for so many people and families.
My former pastor's phrase must have struck a chord or rung a bell with me because the little slip of paper that I jotted it down on has stayed on my desk, in plain sight, for days on end. This is unusual because, normally, little slips of paper get lost in the shuffle, of my desk-papers, that occurs on a regular basis. Each time I have sat at my desk, the paper has laid there, in my peripheral vision, silently speaking volumes to me.
I know many people who are passing through commas of life as I type. Perhaps we are always passing through life-commas and just are not aware of them. Commas, while purportedly temporary in nature, often feel as though they are permanent. As I ponder commas, my observation is that they often have an initial negative feel to them. Even the commas that will eventually conclude as some of the most wonderful chapters of our lives do not present themselves as 'oh boy!' situations. In fact, commas may begin with tears, fears, and anger, that later morph into smiles, peace and contentment but the transition phase during the one-hundred-and-eighty degree turn is painful and fraught with deep crevasses.
I do appreciate the association of transitions with commas rather than periods because the concept of the comma provides hope, and offers the possibility of growth through change. I guess that is why I gave this blog the name "Ancora imparo" because still I am learning, morphing, changing, and growing.
Although the conclusion of this posting has a period at the end of it, it is really just a comma until the next posting. I'm not out of thoughts......yet.
Ancora imparo