What is there in the human psyche that enables some of us to believe that the 'rules' do not really apply to us? You know the people I am speaking of. 'They' are everywhere. They can be found in the long lines at national amusement parks, traffic congestion that has ground to a halt in major (and minor) cities, and the hordes of shoppers that clog retail stores on Black Friday.
Rule-Exempted-People (hereafter referred to as REP) rarely, or never, grasp the concept that rules are posted for all to observe, thereby making life - or the immediate experience - more pleasurable and smooth for EVERYONE. REP will take advantage of any and all perks that are offered and proffered, often to the point that results in the perks being withdrawn, no longer available to anyone, just because a few misused the privileges.
Perhaps REP could be convinced to simply wear signs around their necks that say "I am a rule-exempted-person and will take advantage of you at every opportunity I can." That way the rest of us, who follow the rules, can still be identified and perhaps even rewarded for heeding the rules and regulations set down by management, municipalities, and other leadership bodies.
Maybe we rule-followers can design signs to wear around our necks that say, "I follow rules." Then the two sign options would make REP more easily recognized and dealt with so the 'rest of us' could move through lines and traffic as quickly as situations will allow.
Let me know what you think of my idea. We could start a movement here. I can feel the momentum building as I type!
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