Since it is a slow 'news' day, I thought I'd write about something that has begun to fascinate me: Hair.
I'm noticing that our society has obsessions with hair that fall into one of two categories - either a human has too much hair, in unwanted places, and is trying to get rid of 'it' or the human has a hair deficiency and wants the appearance of more.
Furthermore, to interrupt myself, I want to know if 'hair' is singular or plural. Years ago, I had a friend who always referred to a visit at the hair stylist as "getting my hairs cut", which I always thought sounded a little strange. If it was windy, she would be heard saying, "My hairs are out of place!", while another person would say, more likely, "My hair is sure windblown." My friend was adamant about the idea of her head having more than one hair on it.
Back to my observation about the two 'hair' categories.
Television commercials are split almost evenly, to the point of dichotomy, on their approach to the issue of 'hair'. Madison Avenue has hundreds of minions pushing out new commercials advertising the latest in hair removal products, ranging from creams, to razors, to wax (ouch!). Spas routinely advertise that they can permanently remove unwanted hair. On the flip side, commercials regularly tout hair products to make more from less. Beaming actors, usually male, can be seen with 'before' and 'after' looks - frowns, scowls and female-less with the before shots, glowing smiles and legions of women ogling them in the 'after' shots.
Hair also has a mind of its own. (No pun intended.) In later years, it tends to grow in the darnedest places, becoming more problematic as the person looses good eyesight in sunset years. A tough combination.
I have a meeting to go to. I need to go brush my hair.......or is it hairs?
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