Friday, July 2, 2010

Feeling Like A Rag Doll

Have you ever felt like a Doberman has been shaking you by the neck? You know, where despite your best plans and efforts, and the "best laid plans of mice and men", nothing goes as you had planned it would.

These haven't been bad days. On the contrary, these past two days have been filled with friends, pleasant surprises, and outright shocking, ironic events. But I do feel as if a Doberman - or some other very large dog breed - had my neck in its jaws and had been shaking its head from side to side.

Sometimes I don't do well when events keep rolling towards me, like ocean waves. No matter the importance of the sequence of events I had in mind, 'things' have tumbled out of thin air, towards me and I've had little control over their timing, let along whether the events should even occur.

Today, for example, my goals were simple........or so I thought. I wanted (and needed) to walk, exercise, eat, shower, run to the grocery store, blog, and make potato salad. A late-morning visit with some friends turned from not needing to have me present at all to a two and a half hour visit and lunch. It was great to see these people and I really enjoyed myself..........but I didn't get my potato salad made or even started! Mid afternoon came, and I declared I needed to get 'crackin' at the potato salad.

Potato salad, from scratch is putzy, at best. and takes time, from the beginning of the peeling of the potatoes, to the boiling and shucking of the eggs. Since I was working in a very small space, I had to keep washing and drying various items so I had space in which to maneuver. I had no sooner started the process than we had more guests that stopped in to see us. Again, a great hour and a half visit, but still no potato salad. The boiled potatoes were OK on the counter but as soon as the eggs had cooled, I had to excuse myself and run down to refrigerate the hard-boiled eggs. From start to finish, the potato salad took about three and a half hours. Finally, it was completed, the bowl covered, and placed on ice.

Now a new chapter of the day is beginning. I'm looking forward to this. The Doberman has let go!

Ancora imparo