I have a great respect for living things - large and small, high and low, fast and slow, two-legged, four-legged, eight-legged, and wiggly ones that crawl on the ground. I respect creatures whose goal in life would be to eat me. Every living 'thing' has to eat - even crocodiles and alligators, scorpions and brown recluse spiders, earth worms and coral snakes.
So, when I am camping or spending larger amounts of times in camp grounds and state parks, I understand that I will be sharing living space with creatures who live (or are supposed to) in the great outdoors. EVEN though I thoroughly dislike walking on nature trails and walking through spider webs that stick to your face, hair, and clothing, I understand that it is 'their' space, too. EVEN when I am seated at a picnic table and the spiders that have been happily living underneath the table and bench seats decide to make a trek to the other side. EVEN when I use the 'facilities' and have to share the space with spiders, in their webs, above my head, to my side, and in every corner.
BUT........I draw the line when it comes to sharing my home and sleeping bag (or bed) with the aforementioned creatures. I do not wish to hear a mosquito whispering in my ear or buzzing my face in the night. I do not wish to feel the pitter-patter of eight little legs and eight tiny little feet walking about on my skin whilst I am trying to sleep. I really believe in creature segregation. I have my space and they have theirs. Let us not feel the need for blended families and helping all creatures to live peaceably in the same tent. Co-existence between creature-species is not possible unless...............
I could think of one exception.
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