Monday, July 6, 2009

Kaflooey and Diddling

Out of curiousity, I've been doing some reading about blogging; i.e. who blogs, the length of blog postings, posting topics, why people blog, etc. It has been fascinating to learn about others like moi.

For moi, topics are often generated by articles I read in a newspaper or news magazine, or what I hear on the television, radio or in conversations with others. Occasionally, a personal experience provides fodder for a topic and that is where today's topic was germinated.

My SO and I are spending a few days on our floating RV and experiences on a floating RV can be a rich source of topics, such as having your radar and compass 'system' go "kaflooey". For those of you not familiar with boating, "kaflooey" is not a technical term, rather one of my own making, but a state that boaters seem to often find something in.

Being without an accurate electronic description of just where your boat sits can and IS problematic, so any boat captain is understandably frustrated by experiencing an electronic state of kaflooey.

Captain SO had an electronics 'expert' come to the floating RV and diddle around a bit. Diddling around is a technical boating repair term familiar to every boat owner. ANY form of diddling will automatically make your wallet much lighter.

To the point, after a short while of expert diddling, Captain SO learned that there was a second, hidden compass below decks that he had never been aware of AND that said hidden compass was highly subject to electromagnetic influences from electrical devices and motors. Once the two, small, portable electric fans were removed from NEXT to the HIDDEN compass, the electronic state of kaflooey disappeared and all was well.

Which........made me think that we all should know where our personal,hidden, below-decks compasses are. I think this hidden compass controls my state of zen, which, at times, seems to be difficult to locate.

May you always know where your below-decks compass is at all times!

Ancora imparo