Monday, July 20, 2009

Anchors Away

Today's entry will most likely signal a pause in my postings as my SO and I begin an adventure with our aqua RV. In 2007, we explored a section of Lake Huron, called the North Channel, but since it was our first expedition, we barely scratched the surface of this breathtakingly beautiful area. With tomorrow's foray, we hope to discover even more anchorages, coves, and scenery. Of course, Mother Nature will rule and her reign begins early tomorrow morning. As with all monarchs, we hope for a benevolent rule and blessing, not a harsh or harrowing one as we must cross Lake Michigan.

The first time we made this crossing and trip I was a basket case for days prior to our departure. By the time the actual morning came to leave, I was sleep-deprived beyond belief and had given birth to so many butterflies in my stomach that I could have been a nature sanctuary for caterpillars. I was uncharacteristically disinterested in eating and kept wishing for a big wind to suddenly appear for days, precluding our ability to cross 'the big lake'. As you have perceived, there was no big wind, we did cross and I did survive.

At that time, I could not fathom an almost two-week span without cable television or computer access and I wondered what I would do with my leisure hours. Filling leisure time was surprisingly easy and pleasurable as I read voraciously and maintained a diary that I kept faithfully and wrote, with candor, about my experiences. 2009 finds me a bit more relaxed and confident.

Since two years have passed, I am hoping that more marinas may have internet accessibility.
We do carry a Sprint air card and, hopefully, Sprint has built more Canadian towers. Time will give me the answer to whether I can post on any regular schedule, if at all. I am going prepared with a back-up plan.....a large, spiral-bound notebook, which I will use to manually record daily entries, if necessary. In the event that this scenario prevails, I will have numerous postings to enter on one day when we return to port!

And so, to the readers of this blog, I humbly request prayers for safety and common sense, both on our part and that of other boaters. Plus, a prayer for cooperation from Mother Nature wouldn't hurt, either!

Until we 'meet' again, Ancora Imparo.