"Why do you blog?"
This question has been posed to me several times in the more recent past - as opposed to the more past past (go figure that one). Each time the query is uttered, it is done so with a wide-eyed expression and incredulity in the person's voice, with an emphasis on the word 'do'. I guess it is safe to say that I know few individuals who blog. One person almost hissed the question of "how do you find the time"? Her implication and tone-of-voice was clear - that by blogging I must be taking time away from other, more important tasks.
There is only one blog that I follow on any regular basis. When this guy posts, I get an automatic notification that he has updated his blog, which is what he did within the past twenty-four hours. His blog topic was partially about how he has backed off on his blogging and he gave his reasons for doing so.
That increased my cogitation.
Why, I asked my self, do I blog? Does anyone care about my thoughts and opinions, other than myself?
I blog because it is akin to thinking out loud.............for me. I blog for me and me alone. I have no expectation that others will read my blog, even though if I knew others would read the postings, it would not change what I write.
I do not use this blog as a diary, even though many postings are 'inspired' by events that happened that day. I write as if there are subscribers or readers of a publication looking at a daily column. Sort of a folksy blind conversation.
There you have it. The thoughts from my head today. Who knows if any thoughts will be present tomorrow. If there are, you'll be the first to know!
Ancora imparo