Today's Headlines:
Credit Card Reform Bill now allows loaded guns in National Parks.
This makes sense to whom??????????????????????
Only a politician or the Great Illusionist would herald a bill that contains both provisions. Washington knows that the hugely popular Credit Card Reform Bill is a sure-fire hit with the public and that piggy-backing these two measures would allow the gun provision to sneak through without scrutiny. The Great Illusionist says that he will "proudly" sign the bill.
Shame on you, Washington D.C., for not having the guts to take this before the American public for a real debate. Shame on you, politicians, for kissing the behinds of the NRA leaders who have lobbied for loaded guns in National Parks. "To save people from bears", that is rationale touted by the NRA and bed-fellows in Washington D.C.
I repeat my idea to move the center of government from Washington D.C. to Las Vegas. At least, in Las Vegas, they understand the difference between reality and smoke and mirrors.
And, they have white tigers in Las Vegas.
Ancora imparo