Our society does 'cordial' very well, doesn't it?
Surface cordiality is alive and well in our society and I am 'cordial' with the best of them. We smile, shake hands, make small talk, but often never get to 'really know' the person or people we are speaking to. At times, I feel as if I am an extra in the movie "Amadeus", taking part in the many dance/ballroom scenes. All of us 'extras' are smiling, moving about, perfunctorily doing all that is required for proper etiquette. We move through life greeting others as if we are starring in the movie "The Stepford Wives", with the warmth only skin deep.
What is the catalyst that bumps us from cordial to caring and sharing?
Don't get me wrong. I have no desire or expectation to bare my soul to every individual I meet and greet. Nor do most people, who meet and greet me, have any desire to see my inner soul. This cordiality curtain is multi-directional, serving both the greeter and the greetee, much like speed dating events. We meet - greet- then move on to the next person or group and the whole ritual is repeated.
Since I mentioned the days of classical music and Mozart, it occurs to me that this curtain of cordiality has been in place for centuries. Throughout the years of civilized society, the same 'dance' has been replayed millions of times, on every continent and in most every country. Cordiality, while often insincere, is, at least, better than hostility.
You see, this is why I miss Max. With Max, there was never a question of sincerity. He wore it on every inch of his body.
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