Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Just How Cold Is It?

It's so cold here that:

I've got two pair of socks on but am losing the battle for warm feet.

My SO is working with a blanket over his lap.

The floor feels like it is covered with crushed ice.

The boat asked to be shrink-wrapped.

The fish are flopping onto the shore to find warmth.

The calendars have reversed themselves to the month of February.

The fog enveloping the marina is from people's breath.

Beer doesn't need to be refrigerated to stay cold.

The local market didn't get a delivery of fresh fish today.......local fishermen said the water was too cold for the fish to bite.

People are eating hot chili peppers to stay warm.

I stopped at the local resale store this morning and there were no jackets left on the racks.

Children have become confused and have started composing their letters to Santa Claus.

Ok, Ok. Get the idea?

The good news is that I'm not in a tent! The bad news is that it feels like I am!

Ancora imparo