It was a unique experience.......watching my portable residence coming down the road on a giant trailer.
Her name is Timeless and she came out of winter storage recently where she had spent the winter, patiently waiting for warm weather to return. While she was in storage, she got her normal winter 'spa' treatment - systems checked, exfoliated, manicure and pedicure, skin buffed up, metabolism monitored, and motor tuned. She is ready for the summer.
My SO and I were present when she came out of storage. We'd never seen her moved down the road before. You would have thought we were waiting for parade units to pass by.
Suddenly she came into view. To us, she loomed large, slowly moving down the main street of the little village where she winters. She took up more than her half of the street and one man was positioned up on top - I guess watching for wires - although what he would have done had he encountered a wire is beyond me.
My SO took lots of pictures of the street ride and then when she was placed on giant straps, ready to lower into the water. Skilled, experienced hands did all of the maneuvering, never once giving the impression of anything other than a successful procedure.
Now our house is no longer on wheels but still portable, which is just the way we like it. We've moved in to our smallish quarters and most of the 'stuff' is put away. Soon it will be time to play. We have to play quickly and intently because all too soon our portable house will return to its winter digs and we'll be shoveling and shivering!
Here's to summer!
Ancora imparo