This blog could have been titled, "The Differences Between Men and Women", but that would have been somewhat misleading. Today we discovered yet another item to add to our cache of differences.
As we all know, there are many differences between men and women aside from the obvious physiological ones. Men don't like to stop and ask for directions - women will. Most men do not care for shopping, most women enjoy the experience. Many men are uncomfortable expressing emotion, many women are not. There are "chick" flicks and there are "macho" flicks. What is the saying, "Men are from Mars women are from Venus"? And the list goes on, much to the delight of the comedians, many of whom make their living off from "the list".
My SO and I do many things differently, enjoy a wide variety of activities that are total opposites, find different topics funny and different topics offensive, laugh at different jokes, enjoy differing types of personalities, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
But...........when it comes to procedures, my SO feels that he has the 'preferred' technique for, well, lots of tasks. Often he does and I'm 'down' with that. In fact, it makes sense to copy a technique that works better, faster, and more efficiently. (A little secret - Sometimes it is just good marriage PR to agree that your spouse's method works better than yours.) Then, there are times when a spouse KNOWS that the method or technique he/she is using is better than their SO's, but for purposes of avoiding marital dischord, it is meet and right to follow your spouse's lead. Said another way, "keep your mouth closed!"
This morning, yet another example of the "two ways to do something" surfaced: Making oatmeal in the microwave. Oh, yes - my SO and I have taken this concept to totally new, higher levels than previously known to mankind. Once we identified the two, separate techniques for making oatmeal in the microwave, we seized upon the opportunity to educate the other on the "proper" way to cook the oatmeal - both sides feeling certain that their way was the best. The atmosphere was electric and had the feeling of "Iron Chef Oatmeal"
Did we ever come to a conclusion? No - but that is what makes life fun and, adds a bit more levity to the day-to-day scenario that we call the institution of marriage. We each did our best to convince the other that our way was superior, but to no avail. We both remain convinced that our individual technique is FAR superior to the other's.
That's OK.
Ancora imparo
(My technique really is better.........................)