Saturday, August 13, 2011

Was It A Llifetime Ago?

Vacations are a curious phenomenon.  Actually, vacations are a bit like Christmas.  You plan, organize and then plan some more - hoping to make the vacation the best ever!  The planning phase is often fun, yet it can be stressful as deadlines loom and must be met in order to pull off the execution of the vacation. 

The actual experience of the vacation is prominently dependent on the first phase - planning.  If enough and thorough preparation has taken place, the odds of a successful vacation are greatly improved.  Yet, there are those earnest and convincing individuals who feel that planning a vacation is the antithesis of what a vacation should be.  These people often refuse to plan or structure their vacations, preferring, instead, to be completely flexible and spontaneous in all aspects of the get-a-way.  A vacation for both camps will occur, both individuals will, more than likely, enjoy their experience and come away from the respite refreshed, renewed, and re-energized.  Each to his or her own.

It is amazing, however, that once the vacation is over, it can be almost as if the event never happened.  After a week or so, do you ever look back at the vacation and say, "It is as if we never went on vacation!" or, "That vacation seems like it was a lifetime ago."? Fortunately, memories do remain, hopefully indelibly etched in the part of our brains that can recall at will, with "Kodachrome" and the best in pixel strength we can muster.

I am at the memory place.  It does seem like a lifetime ago that Capt. SO and I took our Aqua RV into a Canadian water wilderness and lived like gypsies. 

I'm ready to go back....not just in my memory but in the flesh.

Ancora imparo