Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Fore.  Such a very interesting stand-alone word and prefix.  Also a somewhat confusing word or prefix for a person just learning the English language. 

For example, if four of our founding forefathers had reached for fourteen forceps, during the signing of the Constitution, and had then gone golfing and had to shout "fore" before they could move forward, they might have been forced to forgo a formal ceremony.  Furthermore, if our forefathers lived so long ago, before us, then why do we call predicting weather, which has not yet occurred, a forecast?  Why would we not call that a future-cast? 

I'm pondering all of this because I am part of a group that has been charged with doing some forward thinking.  Not "fore" thinking because, if we follow the logic of our forefathers, then our thinking would have already been done.  No, this thinking is supposed to be future thinking, as in, the thinking that preceded the actions.  Whyfore then are we not charged with future thinking? 

Forethoughts on forward thinking?  If everyone comes to the session with just four forethoughts, then we would have at least fourteen pre-thoughts.

I'm ready for this session.  If nothing else, I'll confuse, confound, befuddle and obnubilate everyone else.  Why should I be alone in my conundrum? 

Ancora imparo