North Channel Blog for Saturday July 23 2011
Could This World Get Any Smaller?
Just when I thought we could not possibly encounter any more “coincidences” on this Aqua RV North Channel trip – more pop up. I have already blogged about having “dockmates” at the Gore Bay Marina, Manitoulin Island, Ontario that had multiple connections to both Capt. SO and I.
I was certain that this trip couldn’t possibly bring any more Kevin Bacon “points of connectivity” and then – Voila! – that is just what happened. When motoring in to anchor-harborage areas, boaters must – out of necessity – be highly aware of where other boats are anchored. There is the whole anchoring “etiquette” thing and then there is the anchoring-safety rule to avoid boats colliding with each other when the wind shifts. As usual, we scoped out the area and noted two other boats in this large, quiet and protected harbour (as the Canadians spell it). One boat was a sailboat and the other was a powerboat. Within about ten minutes of us securing our anchor, a dinghy approached us, ask a question to Capt. SO and we instantly knew that we knew each other and each others' boats……from our previous marina in northern Door County, Wisconsin. In fact, the night before, these boaters had been rafted to another boat….who used to be our dockmates at our previous marina. We chatted with them for about an hour then split to do our own things in the hot afternoon sun. Later we would gather for beverages and conversation.
Just when I thought the coincidences were over……this morning two boats motored into our anchorage “harbour”, with them instantly recognizing our rather “recognizable” boat
They are from our present marina in Door County, Wisconsin. Presently, with only our three boats here, we can say that our “home” marina is well-represented……even in the remoteness of Lake Huron’s North Channel.
It is a very, very small world. I am mindful that I must behave wherever I goeth.
Ancora imparo