We are surrounded by energy. One of the more obvious forms is electricity, perhaps the form our society depends on the most. The absence of electricity makes itself known instantly if a storm knocks out power, even for an instant. Electric outages can be simply vexing by having to reset clocks, frustrating if power is not restored relatively quickly (Anyone ever had to go to work in the morning without the benefit of electric appliances or a garage door that would not open?), or life-threatening if an alternative power source is not readily available. Wind, sun and water are other natural sources of energy that man has been attempting to harness for centuries.
There are other non-elemental sources of energy and energy restoration. For some, energy and energy restoration is found from within - perhaps by reading, resting, sleeping, meditating, praying, listening to music, exercising, eating, gardening, cleaning - for those unfortunate folk who find the removal of dirt and dust relaxing. Simply sitting can be both restful and energizing - allowing the body to recharge in a quiet and calm environment.
People - the act of being around, near, or with them - can be energizing to some, while draining and exhaustive to others. Some humans draw energy from others, while others draw energy from their inner selves. A human seems to instinctively know which other humans are restorative and which other humans are septic and deadly to one's inner and outer well-being. Now if we humans would just listen to our instincts......
I continue to draw massive amounts of both energizing power and restorative power from music. There are times when I need to passively listen (Not very often, I might add.) but most of the time I draw my energy from feeling the music - either by directing, physically allowing the pulsing beat to move into and through my body, or a combination of kinesthetically experiencing the beat and listening to chordal structures and progressions. The latter is probably the most powerful of the ways I recharge.
Take some time, today, to first think about what gives you energy - and what does not. Seek out a restorative source - embrace it for as long as practically possible - and avoid at least one that drains you - even if it is another human being.
Energy is a precious commodity. Find yours and enjoy it!
Ancora imparo