The chatter is constant. Maybe it is more like complaining, it is hard to tell....but I have never heard the geese and ducks make so much conversational communication. Even the seagulls, this morning, wouldn't stop their incessant dialogue.
This truly is out-of-the-ordinary, in my experience. Usually the ducks will squawk occasionally, but for the past few days, the ducks have been organized like a flash mob. Even the juveniles are swimming around, making the little chirping noises that never stop. Now the juveniles move in sibling packs, each sibling chirping to the others to make a GPS coordinate available to all the other related ducks nearby. There do not seem to be emergency sounds moving through the duck population, just non-stop chitchat.
Even the geese got into the act a little early this year, doing a massive fly-over so low this morning that I feared I might need a shovel to clear out the geese droppings when the noisy gaggle had cleared. The squawking and honking was louder than usual because the gaggle chose to fly just over the boats' tops. Even the flapping of their wings sounded a clarion call of snapping and crackling as the gaggle flew over in a somewhat disorganized formation. I could not decide if what I was hearing was a cacophony of chaos or a chorus in a concert. If all the squawking was a chorus in a concert, then some of the participants have not learned the finer art of mezzo piano and piano. All of this was forte, fortissimo and forte-fortissimo. The last time I heard this much noise was in a school lunchroom!
I object to all of this fowl language!
Ancora imparo