Do you know what an empath is?
It is a term that I was not familiar with until recently, in yet another discussion, the word was used and someone asked, "What is an empath?" We received a rather vague definition which made me come home and do some online research as to what an empath is.
I discovered that being called an empath is a positive descriptor. Empath, of course, comes from empathy, which, in very general terms, is the ability to feel what another human is feeling. Trite description but it gets the idea across, I hope.
Empaths would be people who instinctively feel another's pain, hurt, humiliation, fear, rejection, etc. I've left out the feeling of anger because anger is usually outwardly manifested and it doesn't take a so-called 'rocket scientist' to figure out when another person is angry. There are far more subtle feelings that could be easily overlooked that an empath would sense. Some empaths don't even need to see the other person to decipher the feelings being conveyed via the voice. Empaths are instinctively in tune with others, probably, at times, to their own detriment.
Do you know anyone who is an empath? I believe that many empaths do not even realize the gift that they possess......the gift to listen, hear, feel and process what a fellow human is saying or not saying. Is it perhaps what we do not verbalize that is more reflective than the words we utter?
I have to ponder this.
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