I've never blogged about a blog before......at least not that I can remember.......but the blog about which I am about to blog is amazing.
There is this amazing young man that is taking a road trip to New York City for the weekend - that's right, the weekend - and he is doing a live, photo-blog that is being constantly updated. Here I sit in my Midwest home, at my simple laptop, typing away. This feels so.....dated, so yesterday, so last year. I can't keep up with the whippersnappers of this world.
When I used the word 'amazing' to describe him, that was an understatement. He is technologically advanced beyond my ken. In fact, his level of technological accomplishment is unfathomable to me.
So, I will repeat myself because that is what old people do.....we repeat ourselves! Here I sit at my laptop, chipping away with chisel and rock, creating print images that represent a form of communication rapidly becoming outdated and, perhaps, obsolete. And to think that just several weeks ago I was thrilled to get a new cell phone that I could send text messages with using both my thumbs.
Oh, I have to go. My oxen are ready to get hooked up to the tiller. We have to plow the fields in order to plant the grain so we can harvest the wheat so we can grind it to make flour so we can bake loaves of bread over the fire pit in the summer kitchen. Then I will haul the water from the stream to boil water so I can hand wash the clothes whilst my hunter-gatherer SO stalks his prey so we can have food to eat.
Ancora imparo