My SO and I have different learning styles and learning paths. There's nothing unusual about that, I'm sure. If you took an auditorium full of people, there would be almost as many learning styles as people. Each of us has a different method for comprehension of material and retention of facts.
My SO absorbs certain facts and material exceptionally rapidly. If mechanics, electrics, mathematics, any kind of science or electronics are involved, he is a quick study, committing procedures and protocols quickly to memory, as well as understanding the process(es) that are happening.
When it comes to most ANYTHING related to mechanics, electrics, mathematics, science of any kind, or electronics, for the most part, my learning style is rote......repetition, repetition, repetition. I can learn a procedure but if I have not repeated the motion several times within a short period of time, or do not complete the procedure on a regular, daily basis, then my synapses become disconnected and I must re-learn the procedure once again. You can take this fact about me to the bank. I am very consistent. If I write down the steps necessary to complete the procedure then I will NEVER learn it because my brain doesn't work that way.
My style of learning is quite inexplicable to one whose brain synapses connect instantly and stay connected.
What can I say?
On behalf of all of us in the world who are rote learners and whose synapses become easily disconnect (regarding certain topics), I present the case that we do have other gifts and talents, albeit not always useful ones. We can usually dredge up facts and trivia from the depths of our brains that others can only wish to remember.
I may not be able to recall, on any regular basis, how to rev up boats engines while keeping them in neutral, but I can whip the behind of many when it comes to Trivial Pursuit.
I am, first and foremost, in pursuit of trivia and proud of it!
Ancora imparo