The rock group, Coldplay, has a song entitled, I think, "If I Ruled The World". It caught my ear with its catchy backbeat and melody and I recently added it to my I-tunes play list. As with most of my play list, a good melody can reside in my head for days or even weeks, making appearances at the strangest of times, often staying for hours at a time......somewhere 'there' in my medula oblongata.
(You see, men, I never have an empty "box".)
"If I Ruled The World" has curiously thoughtful lyrics, in some respects, bizarre, in others. But the concept has given me pause for reflection.....also at the strangest of times.
So I sat down with the thought of so what if I did rule the world? What if any one person really ruled the world. It is not a responsibility that I would ever covet or want. In fact, the only reason I'd ever accept the responsibility would be if the next person in line was less adept at the job than I would be. The job would be far more daunting than being the leader of the United States and that job is thankless and more window dressing than substance.
There are so many facets of life on this planet that, no matter how much we rattle our sabres, wring our hands and loudly lament, will never change and then I wonder if that is the supreme plan anyway? Are we humans even or ever destined to be able to purge pestilence, disease, inequality, poverty, war, hatred from this earth?
Such heavy questions in my head today and all because of one song about ruling the world. I think that perhaps I should turn to songs of The Wiggles or Barney today. More like "I love you, you love me, we're a happy family".............
Ancora imparo