Wednesday, September 30, 2009

New Mexico Trip - Day Five

Weary Traveler

This is my final night in a hotel room and I am road-weary. Weary though I am, I would not trade this experience for anything. I've traveled through country I never dreamed that I would see, I've visited places I've heretofore only heard of, and spent precious time with one of the last direct links to my mother. This trip was on my 'bucket list' - one that I'll always remember.

As I've blogged previously, my SO and I have viewed breathtakingly spectacular country and scenery. True, we have seen bland, high-desert areas, but even those are made lovely by the ever-present mountains in the background and we have been surrounded by mountains at every turn.

I thank God for this trip and I thank my SO for making it possible even though today was further confirmation of my intense dislike of the GPS unit. The good news to myself is that my fond memories will far outshine the evil, wicked, mean and nasty GPS!

Ancora imparo