Have you ever heard of "walking the pool"? I had not....until this afternoon. I was outside, reading, and was hailed by a friend who asked, "Would you like to walk the pool with me?" I must have had a confused look on my face because she said, "You know.....walk back and forth from one end to the other?"
This was a new concept to me. I avoid pools like the plague - for a variety of reasons. I'm not fond of chlorine and I don't like chlorinated water in my eyes but it did seem like something that could be fun and I knew I'd enjoy the conversation. Plus.....I have a new bathing suit for this season - one that I might actually allow myself to be seen in by the general public. I usually view wearing a bathing suit as similar to having root canal. I scurried around, actually found the bathing suit, actually donned the bathing suit, and actually stepped out into the sunshine with it on. Of course, I had a pool cover robe on, but still.......this was a big step for me.
Because this is a weekday, the pool was deserted when my friend and I opened the pool gate. "Great," I thought to myself. "All to ourselves!" I followed my friend's lead and for the next hour and forty minutes (I am not exaggerating!) she and I were in continual motion from one end of the pool to the other. Back and forth we went, either walking with constant arm movements, or swimming when the depth was more than tippy-toes could manage. Conversation flowed easily and I was floored when she looked at the pool clock and announced how long we'd been at our water exercise. Now, I must admit that I am one tired puppy. All the fresh air and exercise have made me unusually mellow and very sleepy.
My friend and I had a goal this afternoon. We were hoping that after all that exercise and water making our skin shrink, that we would be size sixes.
The jury is still out on that one.
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