Therapy can come in differing forms. Sometimes it appears as four-legged creatures, young and old, large or small. Happy canines that are just glad to see you and aren't afraid to let you know. Sometimes therapy is reading a book, talking with a friend, taking a walk, reading to a grandchild, hugging a grandchild, being hugged by a grandchild, or maybe taking a nap.
Today, therapy came in the form of two Volvo diesel engines, four-hundred-seventy-six hp each, cranked up to two-thousand rpms, skimming across the water, working in tandem together to provide a powerfully smooth ride, despite the three-foot waves The sun, wind and temperature cooperated in unison, for once, to create a rare day on the water. Even the tiny Aqua RV got its time on the water, little 3-horse engine running smoothly, although it preferred newer gas to the older mix.
There is nothing like the wind blowing your hair about, a little water spray to keep a body cooled, and the sound of the diesels as they kick up the water, creating spray and wakes that ripple through the water farther than the eye can see. In a larger body of water, it is not unusual to run for several miles before encountering another Aqua RV. Often these sightings are miles apart - so far will the other vessel be from yours that it is difficult to tell the size of the other vessel, other than you know it must be somewhat large or you'd not be able to see it at all. An occasional PWC will find you and cavort about from side to side, crossing the wake at the optimum time in order to catch "air". Yes, I am pootered (my word) but it is a good feeling. Perhaps I'll sleep soundly tonight instead of the restless and interrupted sleep that I so often experience. Perhaps I'll fall asleep with the sound of the diesels in my head.
Hydro therapy. Not a bad thing at all.
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