I like to follow a schedule - those who read this blog on any regular basis know this. It helps me to function at peak efficiency when I have an idea of where I'm going, how I'll get there, and what I'll need along the way. Imagine my surprise these past few days as I've discovered I must be the victim of some chronological duping of the highest degree. I feel as if I'm now part of a Dan Brown novel about some secret group who is charged with the systematic climatological deception of an entire continent or hemisphere.
I look at my calendar and the print says that it is now the season of summer but my body and mind know differently. Gone is the heat, humidity and sun-parched earth that the global-warming prognosticators trumpet. Instead, there are constant cloudy skies, temps so low that mittens and blankets come out during evening outdoor concerts, and cold rains either sprinkling or pouring down on the rain-soaked surroundings. Any day I expect to see Noah, his ark and pairings of animals selected to ensure planet survival.
Somewhere, in my zeal to maintain a schedule with my outmoded Franklin planner, it is I who has single-handedly changed the atmospheric future of our entire planet. It is I who will have set the course for the evolution-tsunami of the extinction of warm-blooded creatures, two and four-legged. I've been writing appointments on the wrong pages. Instead of June, I accidentally turned the planning pages to October. It is I who has confused the mid-West weather patterns.
Tomorrow I will change out all my appointments and transfer them to the correct month - June. Perhaps then the weather will get the message.
Ancora imparo