Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Bad, Very Bad

Why does it seem that all that is tasty is bad for your.......health, waistline, body, heart, cholesterol, teeth, bones......heck, just about every body part one has? 

I chose - no one forced me - to eat a grilled hot dog in a white-bread hot dog bun last night at dinner.  I planned - no one forced me - a meal that consisted of grilled, all-beef hot dogs, white-bread buns, Bush's pork and beans, cooked fresh carrots, and grilled Vidalia onions.  The beans had minimal amounts of fat per serving, as did the carrots and onions.  Of course, the one hot dog that I ate, plus the beans, probably had a sodium content that was off the charts, so to speak.  I cannot even consider how much fat was in the hot dog.  I didn't look at the label.....didn't want to.  Fresh fruit, consisting of either strawberries, blueberries, or cantaloupe was served as a pre-closer.  Those who wanted could top their meal off with freshly baked chocolate-chip cookies.  At least I did not eat any of those.  Since I understood that I was eating "forbidden fruit" in the form of the hot dog, I ate it slowly and relished (pun intended) every savory bite, even enjoying the cavernous emptiness of the white-bread bun, which incidentally, was probably just as bad for me as was the hot dog.

Why am I blogging about eating a hot dog?  Perhaps this is my "cuisine confessional".  More likely, just to complain that while there are many foods that do taste good and are good for the human body, there are many, many more that have boundless flavor, either natural or artificial, that are either nominally healthy or flat-out widow-makers.  What was (or is) it about that hot dog in that air-bun that was so satisfying to consume?  Was it the salt?  Was it the mushy texture?  Was it the condiments of mustard and pickle relish that enabled me to relish eating every morsel? 

All I do know is that there are way too many bad, very bad, foods that taste oh-so-good.  I won't even begin to make a list of them in this posting because then I'd have the ideas stuck in my head that would set up a whole craving-chain of unfortunate food events.  Perhaps today I should eat copious amounts of oatmeal to cleanse my arteries? 

But, it did taste good.....oh-so-good.

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