I think I may have written about this previously, so readers, please forgive me if I have used the title before.
Definition of Insanity: Repeating the same unsuccessful and non-productive action over and over and over.
That pretty much sums it up, don't you think? At least, that is the definition I was familiar in the workplace and I doubt that it has changed much since I left the classroom full-time.
Today I experienced the definition first-hand - once again - shopping in a store that has a large disregard for little customers and high regard for important customers; i.e. you are judged for your zip code, the heft of your wallet, the brand of your car and the label on your handbag. This business might as well post the requirements of store entry right on the outside of their primary entrance door. That way, little people such as Capt. SO and myself wouldn't waste time or energy walking into the high-altitude establishment where most of the employees are suffering from a lack of oxygen. The unfortunate reality is that, as prior customers, this business had services we needed. After today, it will be a cold day in Hades before I, at least, go anywhere near these people who are service providers, but take on the affectations of those customers they covet.
Business should be business and customers should be customers, but, in the real world, I understand that money talks - loud and clear - especially if those who have it wear it on their sleeves, have it hanging out of their pocketbooks, and stuck to their......... For the rest of us peons who pay as we go, we must acknowledge the caste system of who is important and who is not. Today, Capt. SO and I forgot, just for a moment, about our peon status. Rest assured, we will not make that mistake again.....ever.
We will take our peon business elsewhere.
Ancora imparo