Monday, May 30, 2011

Annoyed And Beyond

Just when I thought I was practicing safe internet routines, I fell into a trap this morning and ended up "sending" a notice about a Facebook dislike button to all of my fb friends.  Fortunately, Facebook caught my dalliance with disaster and sent me a message saying they (Facebook) had blocked the spamming - just not in enough time to prevent the "cloud" from broadcasting it to every friend. 

Spammers and hackers would seem to have way too much time on their hands.  If only they could apply their skills to more positive endeavors, instead of thinking of ways to annoy other people.  I am savvy enough to avoid (cross my fingers) malicious internet bugs but this Facebook trap that I inadvertently got my self into seemed so innocuous and innocent - especially since it came from a trusted and good friend. 

Live and learn.  Like so many other tough lessons in life, I simply had it driven home to me, today, that cynicism, skepticism and fatalism are born out of real-life experiences.  Think I am overstating this?  I think not.  Even in the realm of social networking, where maliciousness has no place, there are those who would seek to disrupt an otherwise uneventful and innocent action......checking one's Facebook page.

Let me leave you with my "take-a-way" from being scammed this morning:  Many synonyms for annoyed.  Perhaps some of these will be useful to you today or in the future.  Just remember to not explore the "dislike" button for Facebook.

My personal favorite:  Pi#%ed

Ancora imparo