Saturday, May 7, 2011

Debate Topic

Debate Topic:  Why I Need Three Extra Residences, An Airplane and A Pilot
Three Extra Places, An Airplane and A Pilot:  No not the title of a bad movie, but what I have decided to add to my bucket list of dreams.  Today sealed the deal.  I need to have three residences, other than the one I currently live in and I need an airplane - complete with a pilot to get me where I need to be, when I want to be there.  Read on to find my constructive reasoning. 

Reason Number One

Today Capt. SO and I were definitely in Grandparents' Heaven, getting to hang with The Three Musketeers, their parents, and five of their little friends for a birthday party/picnic.  But, it took us almost seven hours of driving time in order to spend time in Grandparents' Heaven.  We were lucky to be invited to witness this birthday party and even luckier to be available to attend.  It won't be that many months that TLV will begin school and then school programs will come up that Capt. SO and I would love to attend but those three-plus hours one way will present a challenge. 

Reason Number Two

Offspring Number One does some fabulous performing - in a direction opposite of Offspring Number Two and the Three Musketeers.  I'd like to be able to hear her sing at every performance, because she's just that good.

Reason Number Three

Aqua RV season will be upon us shortly and the Good Ship Lollipop is three-plus hours north of Offspring Number One and about eight hours north of Offspring Number Two and the Three Musketeers.


In conclusion, I have concluded - based on my own research and opinion - that I need three more residences, an airplane and a pilot in order to be able to see Three Musketeers on a moment's notice; to be able to hear Offspring Number One sing at every gig; to be able to spend time on the Good Ship Lollipop.....way up north....and still get south when I need to at the times I want to. 

That should be enough constructive reasoning to convince Capt. SO to see things my way.......don't you think?

Any bets on the odds of this happening?

Ancora imparo