The planets must be misaligned, the earth's magnetic field might be disrupted, or, simply put, it could just be one of those days.
Everything seems off-kilter. The internet connection here is, at times, either non-existent or slower than the proverbial January molasses. That was the first indication that this day wasn't going to quite be as usual. Of course, being a creature of habit, that made me cranky right off the bat. Even when I came up to the lounge, where I am now typing, the internet was still slow, although able to be accessed. My crankiness came down one notch. Not much, mind you, just one notch.
Then there are all of the unsupervised children running around here, quite literally creating havoc. I'm certain that their parents are holed up in boats somewhere, thankful that they could send their children out into the less-than-favorable elements today. "Go get some air!", was probably the order issued. "Be anywhere but here!" and they sent the children packing. The problem with this philosophy is that bored, unsupervised children, ages probably six to twelve, are completely and naturally prone toward mischief and mayhem. Take for instance this morning, when the doughnuts, juice and coffee came out. I wasn't planning on eating any doughnuts and it was a good thing, because the gaggle of children running amuck confiscated the doughnuts by the fistfuls - literally.
Because the weather is tending toward mercurial and gloomy, there are many adults wandering aimlessly, as well, obviously not certain about what they should do with themselves. It is too cold for the Bloody-Mary cliques to form on the docks. It is too windy to take boats out, and the rain is too threatening to lend itself towards any activity other than hunkering down inside the boats. This is a very bad combination and a recipe for disaster - cantankerous adults and flocks of bored children.
As for moi, I am much happier since I could find the internet - even if for a brief time. I have satisfied my addiction and might even be OK until tomorrow. More than likely, the painfully slow internet service is due to legions of other addictive adults and kids all trying to watch movies, play games, or simply surf the net today. With this weather, I'd say we all need about a 10-G network and even then that might not be enough!
Trying to pass the time.....
Ancora imparo