My significant other and I heard "that little voice" last night.
This is the voice that can melt our hearts, lighten our moods, bring a smile to our faces, and make us think of moving. There is no other voice - yet- like it. When you hear it, the voice is often excited, elated, euphoric, exclamatory...........all of these descriptives........all at once!
The voice loves to sing and is very good at matching pitches, even at a young age. You might hear the ABC song or a nursery rhyme - whatever the voice is singing, you will recognize the tune. Music to our ears!
This is the voice that our memories recall during the day - any day - and the corners of our mouths will instantly turn upward.
At the end of a audio or visual visit, this little voice says "Goodbye, Luv you." It brings back memories of other little voices from years ago. This is the voice that somehow makes growing older a little less annoying, for without growing older, we would not be able to hear......
That little voice.
We luv you, too!
Ancora imparo