OK. Here it is. I'll put it right out there.
I do feel better having removed that from my chest. Actually, I should have typed: I HATE CHANGING THE LITTER BOX.
Does anyone else out there in cyberspace feel the same way?
I know, I know. You can buy litter boxes that supposedly clean themselves. (I'll believe the long-term reliability when I see it.) What I'd like to have is a tiny creature that lives in my laundry room closet, whose only job in life is to keep the litter box clean and who will change the litter once a week. Of course then, it might be easier to simply not have a cat. (Cat lovers need not harangue me. My crotchety old female cat isn't going anywhere soon.)
It is just that I am so very tired of cleaning the litter box and, even more tired of cat litter being strewn about my rugs, carpet, and hardwood floors. There is no joy in going barefoot because stepping on particles of clay cat litter is downright uncomfortable and only serves to make me say pithy little words of complaint when my foot finds a piece. There is even less joy in discovering cat litter from the soles of my feet in my bed sheets.
If your shoe finds a particle and crushes it, then there are hundreds of tiny particulates that get dispersed in a wide area. Did I mention that I don't like sweeping the floors with a broom or vacuuming, either?
There is also the matter of the cat litter being picked up by stocking feet. At first blush, one might ask what the problem is with cat litter and stocking feet. If you are one of these questioners, then, obviously, you have never had a tiny, annoying piece of cat litter get in your shoe. It feels exactly like a pebble, only usually having sharper edges.
Furthermore, do you know what has been applied to cat litter in the cat box? This realization is gross to begin with and does not need further thought or reflection.
There is one positive use for cat litter, though. In the winter it makes for improved traction under your car's tires. I do not believe there are any other positive uses for the stuff. The last I heard, it did not work well as dietary fibre.
Why can't cats use toilet paper?
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