This young man delivered the message at a church service held on a mostly-weekly basis at a Big Ten University in the Midwest. (That description may be redundant.) The theme of his message was restlessness, one that I can readily identify with.
Now, this is not the reason that I solidly connected with the content, although it could be significant that I was predisposed to identify with the topic. I know that God placed this young,campus missionary squarely in my path for a reason. A reason that was instantly apparent that night and,as I suspect, will produce more reasons as time passes.
As with all good messages, sermons, speeches, etc., there were a number of 'take-aways'. I even took notes, which, for me, signals a high degree of attention and identification. God clearly spoke through him, using him to communicate to a rather wide range of ages and stages. My hope is that God also communicated to the communicator that his campus missionary work is of the utmost importance to Him.
The fact that the message content moved across a wide demographic is further evidence of many things:
- God used him.
- God spoke through him.
- He was exceptionally well-prepared, which really appealed to me. This message was better prepared, presented, and, obviously God-inspired, than most sermons I have sat through from men and women more than twice his age.
I left realizing that I had been spoken to by God through this young man, that my restlessness is OK with God, that my restlessness can be a positive chapter in my life, AND that I should not "get caught up in a counterfeit adventure".
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