Friday, February 20, 2009

I Found One!

I love my daily morning newspaper. I mean, really love my daily morning newspaper.

I know it is not green to receive newsprint on a regular basis. I don't know if my newspaper uses recycled paper for its production, but I do know that my paper is faithfully recycled by my significant other and myself on a weekly basis. What the big green garbage truck does with my recycled paper and cardboard, I do not know. I naively believe that it is properly disposed of but I cannot say for certain.

As I slowly become green, my consciousness level about the world's climate is rising and I have actually given some thought to giving up my beloved morning habit of reading the newspaper. Somehow, my freshly-brewed coffee tastes better when I am turning pages of newsprint. This thought is also spurred on by the content of the news, currently. Every form of media I encounter is full of bad news that is discouraging, dis-spiriting, demoralizing and, often, disgusting.

And so it was, with great joy, today, that I read an uplifting news article, in the sports section, of all things. A section that I rarely have any interest in other than reading about yet another 'famous' athlete that has fallen from grace with someone or everyone. (Have you ever noticed that athletes and politicians seldom fall from grace with themselves? Incredible egos or the ability to self-deny?)

The story is of two basketball teams who meet for a game under the difficult circumstances of the death, on game day, of the mother of one of the players. It is a story of compassion and humanity, on the parts of the teams and their coaches.

My personal thanks and admiration go out to the DeKalb High School basketball team and the Milwaukee Madison team that played recently. The young people and adults involved proved that there is heart left in this currently-tarnished world.

For this human, the world has regained a little humanity.

Ancora imparo