Friday, July 15, 2011

Who Listens To The Listeners?

Do you ever wonder who listens to the listeners of this world? 

I have had several church staff jobs in my work life and have had the opportunity to become work friends with pastors, who have also been my bosses.  I can remember these men (interesting.....always men) talking about the fact that even pastors need a pastor - that "men of God" need another "man of God" to whom they can turn to when the need to share is there.  Why, even Tony Soprano's psychiatrist, Dr. Jennifer Melfi, had a psychiatrist that she visited on a regular basis. 

Listeners need listeners.

We humans not only have an innate need to talk, but more importantly, to be heard.  Developmental studies point out the hugely important need of babies and toddlers to be responded to by other humans, in order for them to learn how to interact successfully with others over the course of their lifetimes.

Listening is vital.....but who listens to the listeners?

I can only imagine the enormous responsibility that hot-line "listeners" must feel when fielding calls from persons desperate for someone to hear what they have to say.  Can this responsibility feel like a burden?  Quite possibly so if the listeners do not have someone who will listen to them. 

My father was a highly social individual.  After my mother died, he turned to his cadre of friends for socialization and also became active with new circles of friends.  He loved people and he loved to talk but when he had his stroke and his ability to communicate became severely challenged, it was extremely difficult for him.  I can still hear his words to me, that he would say over and over in his speech-challenged diction - "It is good that I am fond of my own company".

Listeners expend large amounts of energy when listening to those who need to be heard.  Listeners are angels with skin on and their importance cannot be over-estimated.

I tip my hat to all who are willing to hear.

Ancora imparo