My car just had a major physical last week, getting probed and prodded for its one-hundred-twenty-thousand mile check-up. For the past few days, she's been purring along, seemingly pleased with her current condition.....until this morning, when her "Check Engine" warning light went on and has not gone off. I do truly hope that this message's appearance is just an electronic glitch, some little switch that the mechanic forgot to flick into the "down" or "off" position.
Seeing this message reminded me of some warning lights I think people should be born with. In the past, I've written about wishing there was a warning light on people's foreheads for impending moronic behavior. I still think this is a great idea, one that could save the world billions of dollars and one that could save many careers. Maybe this light should also have a tiny warning signal that begins to emit a beeping sound to alert the human that he, or she, is about to make a deal-busting decision or action. Perhaps getting people to think before "leaping" or think before engaging mouth?
Now that I've become more familiar with Facebook and Twitter, I think there should be a ten-second delay feature before the message or "status" is actually sent. This delay might prevent people from embarrassing themselves, or others, with inane or inappropriate comments. Too many morons are revealed on Facebook and Twitter. People who used to be "closet" morons, but disclose themselves to the horror of their friends and associates. It seems that almost daily, some person publicly crashes and burns using a social media. Yes, social media needs to incorporate a ten-second delay!
I would like to have my body outfitted with a locking mechanism that prevents my mouth from opening up to accept any further food beyond the point that my stomach announces it is full. There seems to be a great communication delay between my stomach and my brain.
And now it is time to think about preparing the evening meal. If only I had a warning signal that alerted Capt. SO that I am in no mood to would be so much easier!
Ancora imparo