Last summer I had the best yoga teacher. She had been well-trained and was obviously skilled in what she was doing as well as caring about her yoga students. She accepted each one of us eager students as unique and gave individual attention and instruction to every woman. Part of the yoga concept is to breath - deeply and almost in a rhythm - being conscious of the air entering, moving about and exiting the body. She clearly explained the different methods of breathing, although I do not remember the official names, only the importance of the regularity and depth of each breath. She was very patient with all, most of her class being plebes in the yoga world.
Part of her successful demeanor was her calming voice and countenance. In class (I have no way of knowing what she was like in her own, personal world.) her voice was low and measured, as if she had all day to impart her knowledge and we had all day to process what she was saying. It was not uncommon, at the conclusion of the class, just before she had us slowly sit up, that at least one participant would have fallen asleep in the final prone position.
Since that time with her last summer, I've become much more aware of my own breathing and the power that breathing in and out has. Obviously, our bodies need to breath in and out for the sake of our own survival. Oxygen is one of the vital fuels for our bodies. But the act of breathing in and out can also serve as a calming agent just as efficiently as high-priced and high-powered pharmaceuticals. When I am stressed and can remember to practice proper yoga breathing technique, my mood can lighten almost within a minute or two. The effect that breathing has upon my being when it is in an anxious state is incredible. It is as if I can feel the flow of pure oxygen in and out of my body, which is really my temple.
Get in touch with your breath. It can heal as no other natural agent can. Breath is more powerful than drugs, alcohol, food or any other controlled substance. Breath is the true "chill pill" and it costs nothing more than your own concentration and effort.
Try breathing. You'll wonder why you waited so long.
Ancora imparo