Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I had a most interesting conversation with a friend this morning.  This friend has spent dozens of volunteer hours working on a project for a non-profit organization over the past few months.  I've followed his outstanding work, admiring his dedication and enthusiasm to work tirelessly for the purpose of making the non-profit a better place for all. This project has had the "blessing" of the powers that be, including the ubiquitous Committee-To-Approve-All-Things.  In spite of numerous papal blessings, he has encountered stone-walling, road blocks, non-compliance, non-cooperation, and other frustratingly inexcusable actions and interactions......yet he is willing to persevere, committed to the task and confident that he is making a difference - which he is.

I've admired this Herculean undertaking, not only for the scope of the project, but for his steadfastness and loyalty to the organization and his belief that even the best mousetrap can be improved.  What I further respect is his ability to withstand the fairly constant absence of cooperation from the "organization".  In my advancing old age and encroaching senility, I know I do not have the patience or the desire to tolerate what he has experienced.  Life is simply just too short to persist and prevail under circumstances where my volunteer efforts are thwarted on a somewhat regular basis.

And so I ask you, the reader, WWYD?  (What would you do?)  I hope that most of you would be "bigger" people than I and do what my friend has done - stay the course and see the project to its conclusion.  At times, I disappoint myself with my attitude of unwillingness to put up with......let's just say, "stuff", which is exactly why I need to begin building the framework of a process of attitude adjustment:  A dog, chocolate, the wind in my face, Cheese-Its, yoga, and a tender piece of venison, cooked to rare perfection on a slice of Great Harvest white bread.  With all that, I, too, could withstand.......stuff. 


Ancora imparo