Have I been living under a rock? I just saw a movie trailer for a summer release called "Cowboys and Aliens", starring two headliners - Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford. Also featured prominently in the trailer was Olivia Wilde, formerly of Fox's "House" television show. When the trailer first began, I was paying scant attention, as I am want to do with commercials. Then my peripheral vision kicked in and I noticed odd scenes that didn't make sense, so I turned my body just in time to see Craig and Ford in mortal combat with strange-looking flying demons, more out of Harry-Potter-style movies than James Bond or Indiana Jones. As I watched with confused fascination, what I saw made less and less sense.....until the title flashed back on the screen and my bewilderment became even more pronounced.
"Cowboys and Aliens"? Come on, Steven Spielberg, are you serious?
First of all, I am flabbergasted that Craig and Ford signed on to star in such cinematic nonsense. There can be only one answer.......bucks - BIG bucks. I'm positive the producers are banking (pun intended) on Craig and Ford being giant pulls to the box office all the way to their Swiss accounts. Spielberg, et al. will probably have the last laugh but I can tell you this is one movie I wouldn't pay to see in the theater. The combination of cowboys and aliens seems so incongruous that, perhaps, only Steven Spielberg can pull this off.....of course aided with the star-power of Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford.
What's next?
Firefighters and Kindergarten Teachers? Whale Sharks and Kittens? Museum Docents and Raptors? Mutants and Choir Directors? Sumo Wrestlers and Butterflies?
Only in Hollywood.
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