I have so many notes from my pastor's sermon this past Sunday that will be fodder for several days of blogging. He had one-liners all over the place, or at least, I wrote them down as one-liners and I do not mean the funny, comedy-club type one-liners. His sermon content was meaty to sat the least. Full of the proverbial food-for-thought with sentences built to intentionally foster thinking.
One of his points was that we humans are want to say, "Someday I'll.........", and then we are left to fill in the blank with whatever trips our triggers for that day, week, month or year. This statement of future intent is not unlike the movie, "The Bucket List", that I used as a topic for a blog posting some time ago, except the characters in "The Bucket List" made a list and then set forth to accomplish (or experience) all of the items on their lists. In fact, if memory serves me correctly, they assisted one another in completing their "bucket lists".
My pastor went on to urge us, instead, to "make today your someday", calling us to action instead of thinking. I don't believe he was referring just to social justice or religious action but, perhaps, to any action that would get us off square one and on to square two or three.
I have certainly taken his challenge to make my "someday" today but I find that all I can do, at this point, is think. Will I ever get past square one? I don't know, but I do understand that thinking about future squares is rewarding in and of itself.
Here's to making today your "someday", too!
Ancora imparo