Have you ever been stuck on what to eat? I mean, absolutely stuck, without a clue as to what you feel like eating?
Lately, I've been uninspired to cook....unfortunately not uninspired to eat, but completely without cooking inspiration. Print media and television segments are filled with summer cooking and grilling ideas. All you need are good cuts of meat, lots of fresh vegetables from a garden, and, quite possibly, cheese slices. If you have access to blenders and food processors, there are recipes a-plenty to whip up tasty and fat-laden sauces which can be basted or pasted on the meat or veggies. Of course, there are numerous recipes for turning fresh vegetables into salads and main dishes as well as recipes for all kinds desserts utilizing in-season fruits.
So why can't I figure out what to eat? There is no logical reason for this dilemma. My mind is stuck on a limited number of foods that appeal to me: Peanut butter, tuna fish, raspberries, blueberries and turkey brats. I wonder what delectable concoction can be prepared using those ingredients?
I'll go through my cupboards one more time, searching for culinary inspiration, hoping to find some. I suspect that peanut butter mixed with tuna would be considered 'yucky'.....I'm not even sure I would eat that and I eat most anything. Grilled turkey brats with raspberries, now that is sounding better.
Blueberries? For breakfast, lunch and dinner? That sounds gastronomically risky to me.
Bon appetite is but a pipe dream right now. There's always tomorrow.
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