Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Slivers are highly annoying, aren't they? You can try to ignore them, but they catch on everything, and by catching on fabric, they seem to become more uncomfortable, perhaps for good reason, until you get fed up and decide to either pull them out with tweezers or dig - oops, lift - them out with a needle.

A sliver of wood became embedded in my finger this afternoon. OK, no big deal there. I've had lots of slivers before. I found my favorite sliver needle, sterilized it, and started the task of removing the sliver, except that I discovered the sliver was embedded a bit farther into my skin than I realized. I persisted in my effort to remove the sliver but I came to my threshold of personal-pain-infliction tolerance.

Have you ever been there? Sometimes it seems that I find it is easier for me to tolerate someone else inflicting pain on me than me; i.e. letting my SO digging out my slivers. While I did not request sliver-removal assistance from my trusty SO today, I certainly thought about it. I also thought of all of the old-fashioned ways that people have dealt with pain in past centuries. A big clump of rag clenched in the teeth, liquor, drugs, and plain old 'grit your teeth and withstand the pain'. My personal favorite would have been the liquor, which I thought was a bit of overkill for simply removing a sliver from my finger.

Yes, I 'dug deep' and removed the sliver, which turned out to be somewhat metaphoric for this day. Digging deep and removing uncomfortable foreign objects.......now there is a topic for another day's posting!

Remember the old saying: Blood is thicker but liquor is quicker.

Ancora imparo