Somewhere during this day I arrived at the realization that my worry plate is too full. I've sensed the plate becoming heavier over the past week or so but piling on worries is a little like piling on the pounds. They sneak up on you until, voila!, you have weight to lose.
And so it is with my worry plate.
I am a well-known, accomplished worrier. I worry well and I worry often......frequently about things and situations over which I really have no influence or control.....but that has never deterred me from adding them to my worry plate.
I was thinking about the construction of my worry plate. In the past, I have used worry plates made from the flimsiest of paper. Put a worry or two on them and the plate would fold, dumping the worries onto the floor of life. In retrospect, that may be the best design ever. You cannot overload your worry plate when it is made from thin paper.
I have used worry plates made under the Chinet label. These worry plates will hold a considerable number of worries but, eventually they, too, give way to the weight of the worries and will collapse. Real china or stoneware plates work a point. They can hold a tremendous amount of worry weight and they do not leak from all of the tears shed over them. However, they do shatter when dropped and you find yourself searching to recover the lost worries spread out through the shards of glass.
Perhaps the best/worst (depending on your perspective) worry plate is made by the Corelle Company. Corelle is practically indestructible and will allow you to carry an enormous worry weight without the fear of losing one of your worries off the plate. But being able to carry large numbers of worries is not necessarily a positive trait. Worry weight can be injurious to your health and certainly adds to sleep deprivation.
I think, perhaps, that I need to rid my internal cupboards of all my worry plates except the ones made from the thin paper. Now if I can just gather up the willpower to toss out the substantial but unwanted plates.
Maybe throwing would be therapeutic?
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