- When economic times are hard, restaurant wait-staffers are better looking.
- When economic times are really hard, the music we hear has a more defined, steady beat.
- ZZ Top is a three-person band, not a lone performer. Two of the three look alike.
- The emergence of more dollar-type stores replacing traditional retail stores is a sign of poor economic times.
- My car has sawdust in her hoses.
- The Easter Bunny is not real. (Bummer)
- Harvey, the rabbit, wasn't real, either.
- My alma mater, Michigan State, is not highly favored to win the NCAA basketball tourney.
- There is a web site for only the privileged. Members become annoyed and outright angered when regular 'folk' worm their way in as members.
- Broken veins in fingers take a long time to fully heal.
- Bananas taste best with vanilla ice cream, pecans, and hot fudge sauce.
- Egg whites taste better with chopped-up ham.
- Parting with old clothes is not as easy as I thought.
- Lastly, I have no closet, drawer, or shelf space left on which or in which to store any more stuff.
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