I've just been to another state.....another world.....to be a part of a ninetieth birthday celebration. To accomplish this trip requires a six-hour 'commute', as it were, and I am always a bit road-worn when I return home. With all that I have seen, heard, felt, and experienced over the past five days, I feel as if I am truly in a daze....a gauze-filled haze where I find myself with arms outstretched, stumbling through to the light at the end of a very long tunnel.
The birthday celebration was a rousing success, with the birthday 'boy - albeit a ninety-year old 'boy' - being royally, deservedly, and properly feted by well over two hundred people. Oh, to be so beloved!
Mixed in with all of the merriment have been thoughts whirling in my head regarding various topics, concerns, issues and the like. My thoughts have ranged from those of frustration, bewilderment, concern, outright flabbergastion (I know there is no such word.), sadness, and a little anger mixed in here and there. The subject of education has also been looming in my head, with related questions of, but not restricted to: What is important? Flexibility and inflexibility. Is inflexible the same thing as rigidity? When and how do educators choose their battles? Is inflexibility related to age? Do 'younger' ideas carry more relevance than 'older' ideas? Should rules ever be 'bent'? Is there such a thing as situational ethics? Should there be such a concept as 'situational' discipline?
There you have the potpourri of pondering that I am experiencing. In fact, I would have to say that I have experienced a plethora of pondering potpourri that is both perplexing and puzzling.
To that I say, piffle and poppycock.
Ancora imparo